We specialize in Website Design and Graphic Design.

B Morris Designs is professionally focused on you.

B Morris Designs is the number 1 choice in central and east-central Illinois for beautiful, customized website design for your company or e-commerce website.  Located in Greenup, IL, BMorrisDesigns is small enough to focus on your needs, but, big enough to take your business to the next level.  We provide services locally but our outreach on individual projects span nationally and internationally. 

Additionally, we provide graphic design services for your marketing needs. We have produced graphic design for schools, businesses, government entities, organizations and personal projects.

We will create the perfect message and graphic look for business cards, fliers, banners, billboards, menus, books, newspaper and magazine ads, and so much more.

We can also help you find a cost-effective printer/supplier to produce your ideas and our graphic layout into a beautiful piece you will be proud to display.

Customer satisfaction, great website design, stunning graphic design at a competitive price will have you smiling at the great choice you’ve made in selecting B Morris Designs for your next project!

Websites design and graphic design should stimulate the brain.

Be pleasing to the senses.

And, just make you feel good.

Classics are great for music.

Not websites.

Website Design is our passion!



B Morris Designs – Website Design

We build Content Management Systems (CMS) websites.  The core database application (WordPress) is then totally customized for your website to reflect you, your business, and your vision. We know website design!

Look at some of our website samples, and then contact us today!

Designing High Quality Websites Since 1995.

B Morris Designs – Graphic Design

You have an idea and want to express it but don’t know exactly how to transform it into a great graphic design piece.  You need to communicate your message through professional graphic design and it deserves it. Graphic design is what we do and we do graphic design very well.

In this day and age, graphic design covers multiple platforms. We provide professional graphic design for all of your online or print projects. We do logo design to help brand your name or product.

What kind of marketing projects will help you promote your business in a cost-effective, attention-getting manner?

If you need need to evaluate your branding, grow your brand or reach new audiences – our graphic team can help!

We invite you to look over some of our graphic design samples, then encourage you to contact us today!


Morris Business Enterprises Logo

Business Consulting & Services

Morris Business Enterprises LLC – Scott Morris has over 35 years of experience that can help provide collaborative solutions for your business. This includes University business administration, startup company organization and operations, consulting and evaluation services, grant writing, public leadership, financial accounting and reporting, and other specialty services. Find out more at MorrisBE.com.

BmorrisDesigns Logo - Website and Graphic Design Professionals


What can we help you with today?

Please fill out this contact form to establish communication with us.  All fields are required.